Bread of Life Christian Church
English Ministry

We are so glad that you are here! The reason why we gather here in this place, in this community is simply because God is so so good. He is the good good father who loves us and cares for us. There is always a rich abundance of joy and laughter when we gather together in Jesus' name. We want you to feel welcome and honored when you are here with us. We can't wait to get to know you and share with you our experiences with this loving God.

The college & young adult ministry consists of a bunch of Jesus-loving and community-serving young men and women who are ready to be a blessing to one another and to the community.
We meet every Sunday afternoon 12:30~2:00 pm.

BLCC Joshua Youth Ministry was established with a mission to share the Gospel and equip the young generation who will be the leaders of tomorrow. Our vision is to love God passionately and love people compassionately.
We have our weekly youth group on Sunday afternoon from 1-2:30 pm featuring vibrant worship session, games, small group bible studies and fellowship.
Come and join us for a great time of worship, fellowship and delicious snacks!

Jesus says, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Kingdom Kids exists to cultivate a culture for children to encounter God, to equip disciples, to empower families, and to evangelize the world by serving the unreached and underprivileged in the communities and throughout the nations.